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Writer's pictureMichael Angelo

A New Thing

The kids down at the malt shops are all buzzing about this hot new “blog” thing, so I thought I’d jump on the bandwagon and give it a try. will be a place where you can find some of my short stories, short films, artwork, musings, and whatever else feels like it belongs here.

The pre-apocalypse has taken its toll on everybody, but there has been at least one unexpected benefit: time to not only refocus on my writing, but also to pick up a few new interests along the way, things like wine-making and gardening, so you can expect to see the chronicles of my successes and failures as I…succeed and fail?

So while I’m at it and already a few drinks in, let me also share with you what this site will not be about: it’s not a forum for fighting over politics/religion/race/sexual orientation/etc.

No, we’re here to enjoy art, the pure escapism of a good story well told, and everything that goes into the creation thereof. If we’re going to argue about anything, it’s going to be two spaces after a period, Oxford commas (I staunchly support both), who vs. whom (I’m convinced, at 42, this is something I will never be able to wrap my brain around) and Han shot first.

A lot of entertainers seem to think it’s their duty to pontificate to you. I do not. You have enough trying to bring you down without some overpaid ass-wipe cramming his/her thoughts down your throat and saying they don’t want you as a fan if you dare to have a different opinion. What kind of way to treat your fans is that?

Look, in my world, there’s very little we’re required to agree on in order to be friends (as long as you’re not an asshole). It genuinely hurts me when I hear an entertainer I deeply admire call me a piece of shit because we’re not on an identical ideological page.

What the fuck, dude?

I’m here to engross you in a story–my story–and to help you forget about your worries for a while. In fact, every time I sit down to write, one of the first things I do is pray: “Please allow me to be a blessing to my readers, that I may, if only for a while, transport them to another time and place, help them forget about their own problems, and bring some enjoyment into their lives.”

Let’s just have a good time, alright? Not everything has to be “about” something. It’s good to unplug, it’s healthy. Try it, you just might like it. Every time you feel like you might want to pick a fight with a stranger online, ask yourself, “Do I really need the extra aggravation?”

I don’t.

And I don’t wanna get up on my own soapbox, so I’ll wrap this up with one unifying statement: barbecue ribs are awesome and anyone who says different can fuck right off; I don’t want you as a fan anyway 😉

I don’t care what you identify as, which “side” of any particular issue you’re on, if you get some enjoyment out of my work, you’re always welcome here.

Unless, of course, you’re an asshole. Assholes need not apply.

Cheers, muthafuckas!


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